AMP SkillsQuest

AMP SkillsQuest

For iPad
1.0Nov. 5, 2013
1.1Dec. 11, 2013
Related Apps
AMP Coach AMP Athlete
Frameworks Used
  • CoreData
  • MessageUI
  • MKNetworkKit

The AMP SkillsQuest app is used by the US Ski and Snowboard Association's Alpine Training System designed to motivate and reward athletes in working towards improving their abilities.

The app gives evaluators the ability to capture scores while on the slopes. After an evaluator logs in, the app retrieves lists of events, skills, athletes, and scores for each, which are then cached offline in a local database. The evaluator selects the skill and current athlete while on the slopes, and records scores, which are later synced to AMP Sport once they regain internet connectivity.

AMP SkillsQuest is the third iPad app that I developed for AMP Sport in the later half of 2013. I worked on all aspects from gathering requirements, initial creation, coding, defining server APIs, UI/UX, design, and app store deployment.


  • Login with password reset
  • Email support
  • Data retrieval, recording, and syncing using REST JSON APIs
  • All functionality works offline and syncs to server once back online

AMP SkillsQuest is no longer available on the App Store.